ফিনিস ওজোল লিকুইড ফ্লোর ক্লিনার রোজ ৫০০ মিলি (১ টি কিনলে ১ টি ফ্রি) ২ টি

৳ 150.00

Ozol is a powerful multi purpose cleaner that is perfect for cleaning almost any hard surface in your home. Ozol offers you a universal hygienic environment for your home. Ozol is specialized oily dirt cleaner.Floor and bathroom surfaces: use one capful in half a bucket of water (4ltrs). Gently mop the surface. No need to rinse. Kitchen surface: use undiluted. Apply on dirty area, leave for 10 min and rinse


Phone: +88 01939 907911
Email: info@bazaardor.com